
October meeting

Sarah Tamar, an active seaplane pilot and instructor will be our presenter at the October 20th meeting. She will talk about float flying in NYC, Florida, and the Bahamas, and the unique challenges of urban Northeast bush flying. She has graciously arranged to have her company's Caravan on floats named "Flying Fish" fly in for the meeting. If you have not seen one up close you will be surprised how big it is. The cabin and cockpit will be open for viewing. Don't miss this great opportunity.

Our Fall Young Eagle Rally is on Saturday, October 26 with a rain date of the 27th, from 9am to 3pm. Preregistration is required and registration opens on September 28 at yeday.org. A parent or guardian must be present on the day.

More information is available on our Young Eagles page.

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Joe Gauthier Flies West

23rd Jul 2024

We're saddened to report that Joe Gauthier passed away this morning. Joe was a major presence in the homebuilding and aircraft restoration world. He built five planes and helped countless others with theirs as a tech counselor. He was a CFI and active flight advisor. He was an experimental test pilo...

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We're happy to report that EAA Chapter 27 has earned Gold status again this year! Thanks to everyone for all their hard work in making this an outstanding Chapter of the EAA.

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Despite a gusty, near-direct crosswind, our Spring Young Eagles Rally went off without a hitch. The weather was great, the new scheduling system worked great and everyone had a great time. And we added 51 more Young Eagles to the world's largest logbook! More photos are on our Facebook page.

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President Mark Scott presented Bill Jagoda with the 2023 President's Award for his years of dedicated service to EAA Chapter 27, including serving the past 18 years as treasurer. Congratulations Bill!

The award was presented during the chapter's annual holiday banquet at the Manor Inn in Southingt...

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Fall Young Eagles Rally

18th Nov 2023

We added 40 more smiling faces to the world's largest logbook. The day was crystal clear and smooth. An ideal day for it! Thanks to everyone who helped out. We win as a team!

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Chapter Meeting at NEAM

21st Aug 2023

The August meeting was held at the New England Air Museum. 39 of us showed up. After a short business meeting and refreshments, we were given tours of the restoration facility and the storage hanger. Both are not normally open to the public and both are fascinating! The rest of the museum is fabulou...

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